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Meet the Author

from a dream to reality

Kaye Freeman is a wife, mother, and educator. Her certification is in language arts. She and her husband, Don, have two grown children, Emily and Caleb.

As a homeschooling mother, Kaye began writing Bible studies for her children years ago. One book gave birth to another. In 2000, she felt led to publish the studies, making them available to others. Her vision is to disciple all children in the things of Christ—to train them up in the way they should go.

As a child, Kaye faced physical challenges. By the age of 18, she was undergoing her second heart surgery. Although she grew up in the church, Kaye did not know that God was good and that He had plans for her life. It wasn’t until she was an adult that Kaye discovered this wonderful truth about her Lord and Savior. Today, she’s determined to teach children everywhere the truth about God and the importance of knowing, loving, and obeying Him.

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